

Presidential Off信貸pttice spokesman Alex Huang (黃重諺) yesterday said any individual’s visa application would be handled by the con台灣銀行軍人貸款cerned government agencies in accordance with the relevant regulations.


While China sources one-third of its energy from East Turkestan, about 90 percent of Uighurs are farmers and are living in 債務協商程序勞工創業貸款poverty, he said.

Though enshrined in China’s constitution, religious freedom is not allowed in reality, with conflicts between Uighurs and Chin玉山銀行二胎房貸ese authorities often resulting from forceful intervention in religious practices, such as growing a beard and wearing a hijab, he said.

Local pro-independence groups農會土地借貸 are generally indifferent to independence movements in other nations, but collaborating with foreign independence groups is necessary to counter China, Liu said.

“Taiwan is in unity with East Turkestan, Tibet and Southern Mongolia. We have to help each other, and exchange opinions and experiences at all times,” Kadeer said. “We support all the movements you launch in the name of freedom and we also need your support.”

Additional reporting by CNA青年首購2017

Japan Uyghur Association president Ilham Mahmut said Kadeer had long been planning to visit Taiwan, but the administration of former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) denied her entry in 2009, even though Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu (台新信用貸款陳菊) had helped file a visa application for Kadeer’s participation at a film festival.支票借款利息


The visit, if approved, would see Kadeer hold talks with Taiwanese activists and politicians about human rights, self-d台中民間借貸etermination and independence.2017房貸可貸幾成

Press freedom is also prohibited and China’s state-run news outlets only publish stories that demonize Uighurs as terrorists, he added.

World Uyghur Congress president Rebiya Kadeer has accepted an invitation from the Taiwan Solidarity Union (車貸銀行有哪些TSU) to visit Taiwan at the end of March, which would be the activist’s first visit to the nation.

“Should Uighurs not resist [China] under those circumstances?” he asked. “We are not different from Taiwanese. We are not different from people in other countrie高雄房屋二胎s. We yearn for freedom and hope to run our own country on our ancestral lands.”

Kadeer’s visit would forge a bond between peop內政部青年首次購屋優惠房貸2017le subject to China’s suppression such as Uighurs, Taiwanese, Tibetans, Mongolians and Hong Kongers, TSU Chairman Liu I-te (劉一德) said.

In a video played at a news conference in Taipei yesterday, Kadeer expressed a deep interest in visiting Taiwan, and connecting with local activists and politicians, urging the government to give the green light to her visit.

“The TSU will stand together with the so-called separatist groups and help them res信用貸款利率2017ist Chinese imperialism,” Liu said.整合負債推薦

The government should forsake the Constitution’s territorial claim on China — including Xinji軍公教信用貸款銀行ang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and the South China Sea — and draw a clear line between Taiwan and China, he added.

Having criticized the former administration’s treatment of the human rights activist, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), now in pow房貸利率比較2017er, should be open to Kadeer’s visit, Mahmut said.

She congratulated President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) on her election victory last year 台中市借錢and expressed support for Tsai’s administration.

By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter

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